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Need Help? There's a Fireside Training for That!

Everyone needs a little help now and then. To help you out, we have on-demand videos on every component in Fireside, including the inbox, mailroom tools, casework tools, web and newsletter tools, and live events. Best of all, to be flexible with your ever-changing schedule, these videos are available to you at any point during your day!

Please take a look through the options below, and of course, let us know if you have any questions on which one is best for you!

Introduction to Fireside Training – On Demand Video

Anyone (Staff and Interns) looking to get acquainted with Fireside basics.

What: An essential introduction to Fireside – learn how to log into your office’s account, search people records, create new people, and log interactions with constituents (calls, emails, faxes, walk-ins). In just 5 minutes, you can be up and running in Fireside!


Inbox Training (CRM Clients) – On Demand Video

: DC Staff and Interns who use Fireside’s Inbox to manage your office’s constituent communications.

What: Learn how to log emails, manage campaigns, batch and assign mail, and apply issue and affiliation tags. We also discuss best practices, how to maximize your office’s efficiency and saving time by using automations and logging templates.


Mailroom Training (CRM Clients) – On Demand Video

Who: DC Staff members who handle the office’s constituent correspondence.

What: Searching for people, logging mail, batches, using Issue and Affiliation codes, editing letters, sending emails, creating form letters, mail reports and much more!


Casework Training (CRM Clients) – On Demand Video

: District Staff members who do outreach and assist constituents with Federal agencies.

What: Searching for people, starting cases, editing letters, sending emails, creating form letters, Agencies, casework reports and much more!


Newsletter Training (Newsletter Clients) – On Demand Video

Who: Any staff who build, send, or approve newsletters using Fireside’s newsletter editor.

What: Provides a basic breakdown of using our editor to build and send newsletters.


Website Training (Web Clients) – On Demand Video

: Any Staff who post press releases or edits the website.

What: Posting press releases, adding files and photos, creating surveys, editing web pages, events, and issues.


Fireside Live Events Training (Fireside Live Events Clients) – On Demand Video


Who: Any Staff who will manage Fireside Live events.

What: Scheduling and executing events, learning the host and screeners roles during an event, and accessing constituent data following an event.


*IN PERSON* Fireside Success Coaching (All Clients)


Who: Any staff that have completed the above trainings.

What: Take a deeper dive into your Fireside CRM to increase efficiency in your mail program, design an outreach plan using the tools and data in Fireside, understand how to collect/elevate your data, or streamline your casework processes.

Please email with your desired coaching session.